Urge Congress to Support Public Media Funding
Congress is finalizing its Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations bills that provide public media funding. Email your Members of Congress to protect your access to public media.
The FY 2024 House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill eliminates federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Interconnection, and Ready To Learn. Even though the Senate legislation preserves these programs, we must ensure the final bills do not cut funding and weaken your local public media service.
Cuts to public media funding would impact your station’s ability to offer the programs and public services that you’ve come to expect and depend on. Stations serving rural, remote, and tribal communities would be the most affected because they do not have access to local resources to close federal funding gaps. Maintaining broadcast service to these communities is critical because public media is often the only local media source available.
Before final funding decisions are made, encourage your Members of Congress to support the Senate’s proposals to safeguard federal funding.
Instructions for sending your messages: To send emails to your Members of Congress, fill out your information to the right and select ‘Send Your Email.’ After your lawmakers populate in the blue bar, scroll down, and select ‘Send Your Email.’ All fields included on the form, including the mobile number, are required by congressional offices. For the mobile number field, please do not use dashes or hyphens.