As the new Congress and President get to work, we’re asking public media advocates like you to help us build our case to protect funding for your local stations this year.
Before Congress makes federal funding decisions for public media, we’re resolving to #ProtectPublicMedia in 2017. Join us in resolving to protect your local stations, too.
It will only take a few minutes, but it could be the most important New Year’s resolution you make this year.
How Can I Get Involved?
We’ve received so many impactful stories from public media advocates, so we’re extending the deadline for submissions through Friday, February 10, 2017. On or before February 10th, simply do the following:
1. Start Your Resolution with a Smile: Positive thinking is important to any resolution, but a smile is a must for this one! Put on your local station’s T-shirt, hold up a sign with a shout-out to your favorite station, or simply show off your pearly whites. Your story is meaningful because it comes from YOU, so make sure to snap a photo to go with your resolution.
2. Make Your Resolution: Go here, upload your picture, and share why you’re resolving to protect your local stations in 2017 with the hashtag #ProtectPublicMedia.
3. Find an Accountability Buddy: After you’ve made your New Year’s resolution, you will be directed to a page with a few easy options for spreading the word. Take a moment to share the campaign with two to three (or more!) of your fellow public media junkies and encourage them to make a resolution too.
Sharing why you’re resolving to #ProtectPublicMedia can make a huge difference for your local stations this year. Please help us keep the public media stations that inform, educate, and inspire us strong in 2017 and resolve to #ProtectPublicMedia by Friday, February 10, 2017 here.
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