We have a special opportunity to get lawmakers on record supporting public media, and your outreach can play a pivotal role. Recognizing the value of public media, a few Members of Congress are asking their colleagues to sign letters endorsing funding for local public radio and television stations.
How the Letters Can Affect Future Public Media Funding
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 appropriations process has just begun. Before the Appropriations subcommittees draft their legislation, they consider several factors, including congressional support for federal programs.
These public media letters measure the number of public media supporters in Congress. It’s vital to have a strong, bipartisan showing on the letters because:
- It will advance public media’s FY 2025 funding requests.
- Year after year, Americans overwhelmingly rank public media funding among the government’s most worthwhile investments.
- It presents a rare opportunity to identify new and existing congressional supporters.
How to Get Your Lawmakers on Record
You can send an email requesting that your Members of Congress sign the public media support letters. Take action now.
Contacting your Member of Congress is crucial because it empowers you to influence decisions that could affect your access to public media.
Why is Federal Funding Essential?
Despite only representing about .01% of the budget, public media funding is an irreplaceable source of support for stations across the country.
Federal funding ensures that nearly 99% of American households can access programs and public services that empower informed citizens, equip children for success in both school and life, celebrate local culture, and foster community conversations.
Your action today can pave the way for stronger public radio and television stations. Ask your lawmakers to go on record now.
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