‘Happy Holidays’ sign on Main Street in Grainfield, Kansas. Photo credit: Flickr user C.K. Hartman.
Happy Holidays from Protect My Public Media! As 2013 comes to a close, we would like to thank you, public media listeners and viewers, for standing up for the local stations and programs you love.
It’s been a very busy year for our campaign, and you’ve been with us every step of the way. Less than six months ago, we changed our name. 170 Million Americans for Public Broadcasting became Protect My Public Media. We designed a snappy logo. We refreshed our website. We made it more action-focused. We became more social. We engaged in more dialogue with public media protectors on Facebook, Twitter and here (on our blog)! All of these steps helped us communicate better with public media fans and Congress. It also helped us learn more about individual public media supporters from throughout the country.
Your passion and dedication to this cause blew us away. Here are just a few ways your support and action have helped Protect My Public Media make a huge impact this year:
You turned up the volume of your support for public media. This year alone, you sent over 50,000 emails to Congress in support of public media.
You told us your personal public media stories. Our website now includes a TELL feature that allows public media supporters to share why public media matters to them. Our supporters sent us over 350 stories.
You shared the great gift of public media. You told your friends and family about the Protect My Public Media campaign. You encouraged them to sign up for our e-mail updates, to visit our blog and to engage with us on social media.
All of these things are only possible because of you. Thank you for being an important part of Protect My Public Media. We look forward to continuing to work with you to stand up for the programs and stations you love in 2014.
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